

爱配资是正规平台吗 Minhang's Interview on Rio Olympics First Gold丨我和里约奥运会首金得主聊了聊

发布日期:2024-08-23 00:06    点击次数:168

爱配资是正规平台吗 Minhang's Interview on Rio Olympics First Gold丨我和里约奥运会首金得主聊了聊



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Reported by Shanghai Daily

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The opening ceremony of the 33rd Summer Olympic Games was held on July 26, 2024 in Paris, France. Mao Jie, director of the Minhang Media Center, recalls the experience of interviewing Ginny Thrasher, the first gold medalist at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Let's review together.

Ginny Thrasher was concentrating on the game

Q: How would you rank the four “Ss” — study, sport, sleep and socializing?

A: School is very important to me. You can’t play a sport for a very long time, but education lasts forever. So I think the priority should be sleep, school and then sport. I have social ties with teammates and coaches, but it’s also important to have friends outside your sport. But, unfortunately, when you rank them, you have to put school before socializing.

Q: What’s a normal week like for you?

A: On weekdays, I go to class from 8:30am to 1pm, and from 1pm to 5pm, I practice shooting. From 5:30pm to 6:30pm, I work on strengthening my shooting most days. We have dinner as a team, and then I go home to do my homework. I am in bed by 10:30pm, and I get up at 7am.

On weekends in our competitive season from October to March, we travel. I think the hardest part about being a student athlete is having to miss school sometimes and juggling time management.

Q: You spend a lot of time on traveling for your sport. So how does that affect schoolwork?

A: That’s the most difficult part. When I’m in the competitive season, many of my professors are very accommodating. They let me turn in assignments late and make up tests. But athlete or not, I still am required to do the same amount of work in my degree program.

Q: Many professional athletes in China become coaches after retirement. What are your plans after you graduate from West Virginia University or after you retire from sports?

A: It’s hard to predict what you are going to do in five year or even more. I love it. I am good at it. Once I retire, I could probably be a coach in a college or perhaps pursue post-graduate studies. There are a lot of options.

Q: You smile a lot. Apart from the fun of your sport, what benefit do you derive from it?

A: Sports give me balance in life. You can’t just go to school 24/7; nor can you do sport all the time. But sport really teaches you the value of hard work, the value of teammates and how to be a leader. Sport also brings me opportunities to travel and see the world. Every day, my sport makes me a better person. I’m very competitive and always trying to be a better student and a better athlete.

Q: How do you handle a loss in sports?

A: You learn just as much, if not more, from failure as from success. When you fail, you must take it as a lesson. It’s not easy or fun to fail. It’s the same with success. Everyone thinks that success means all your dreams come true. That’s not how it is. The more you are successful, the more everybody is trying to beat you. A lot of expectations fall on your shoulders.

Thrasher accepted a piece of Minhang traditional paper-cut work from Mao Jie.

Q: You mentioned you’d like to do some training in China. Why?

A: Yes, I think every part of the world develops its own training techniques and it’s very interesting to look at others For instance, in one country, people train for five hours every day, whereas we do four hours.

I would like to see the Chinese do their training. I could learn something from them, and perhaps they could learn something from me.

2024年7月26日,第33届夏季奥林匹克运动会开幕式在法国巴黎举行。闵行区融媒体中心主任茅杰回忆起采访里约奥运会首金获得者Ginny Thrasher的经历。让我们一起回顾——






Ginny Thrasher正在接受专访




















Edited by Gao Shuting

Reviewed by Liu Kenbo, Yao Yiying and Gao Shuting



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